(03) 9349 7800

What We Offer

Why is Cultural Training So Important?

Aboriginal FlagTorres Flag








Did you know there are significant numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in rural and regional communities across Victoria?  At RWAV, we want to ensure that outreach services accessed by these clients are culturally safe and sensitive to their needs. Cultural training is a condition for outreach service providers to work within the programs.

This year, RWAV has collaborated with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) who will be facilitating nine new Aboriginal Cultural Safety Workshops, six across rural Victoria and three in Melbourne.

The practical and interactive workshops will be running from now until June 2019. Upcoming workshops for 2018 include:

  • 11 October 2018 Warrnambool
  • 15 November 2018 Shepparton
  • 21 November 2018 VACCHO Collingwood

Workshops are free to attend with morning tea and lunch provided. Experienced, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander facilitators deliver each workshop. Resource materials, with a certificate of participation, will be provided to participants on completion of the training course.

If you would like more information, please contact the Outreach Team on (03) 9349 7800 or email Vicoutreach@rwav.com.au

You can also access Absence from Practice Allowance for attending this course. This training course is not accredited.

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