The Department of Health (the Department) launched the rural and regional incentive program (the program) in July 2022. This program is part of Victoria’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Strategy 2021-2024 (the Strategy) and is supported by investment from the 2021–22 Victorian State Budget. The program aims to attract and retain mental health and wellbeing workers to rural and regional Victoria to work in area mental health and wellbeing services (AMHWS). The program aims to meet this objective through:
- Rural and regional workforce relocation incentive grants
- Integration support for workers and their families
- Workforce retention grants
The department funds the Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV) to administer the grants on its behalf.
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (the Royal Commission) outlined a vision for the future mental health and wellbeing system. Since 2019, the Victorian Government has been working in partnership with clinical, community and alcohol and other drug (AOD) services, consumers, families, carers, and supporters to implement all the recommendations of the interim and final reports.
The Royal Commission placed the mental health and wellbeing workforce at the heart of system reform, highlighting workforce supply challenges across Victoria, which are exacerbated in rural and regional areas. To address supply challenges in rural and regional Victoria, the Royal Commission recommended the establishment of an incentive scheme (recommendation 40).
Service Eligibility
To be eligible for the grants, the service applying must be delivering services in a MMM2 – MMM6 area in the Modified Monash Model (MMM). As such, the following Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Services (AMHWS) are eligible:
- Albury Wodonga Health
- Barwon Health: where roles are based in MMM2 – MMM6 areas
- Bendigo Health
- Forensicare: where roles are based in MMM2 – MMM6 areas
- Goulburn Valley Health
- Latrobe Regional Hospital
- Mildura Base Hospital
- South West Healthcare
Please access the link here to check the MMM classification.
Grant guidelines
For more information, review the Guidelines here.
Looking for a Mental Health role in rural Victoria? visit our Mental Health vacancies by clicking the button below.
You can also find more information about the Mental Health vacancies through a series of questions and answers below which might be helpful.
The key contact(s) at the Area Mental Health Service are responsible for completing and submitting the application form.
The following information will be asked:
- Grant recipient details (where relevant)
- Role details, including classification and outline
- Recruitment difficulties experienced to date
- How incentive grant will support recruitment and retention
- The items that will be funded and their cost.
The following will be required where relevant:
- Copy of the position description
- Candidate’s resume
- Employment contract or letter of offer.
For more information about the incentives and current vacancies visit
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