(03) 9349 7800

What We Offer

More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP)

Valuable GP experience in rural Victoria

The More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP) is an opportunity for non-vocationally recognised doctors to gain valuable general practice experience, prior to joining a college fellowship pathway, while providing care to the rural and remote communities of beautiful Victoria.

If you are an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or temporary resident then this could be the opportunity for you.

What is MDRAP?

The MDRAP is a Commonwealth Government funded program that is part of the Government’s Stronger Rural Health Strategy. The MDRAP Guidelines are issued by the Department of Health.

This program permits a doctor to have access to Medicare rebates and to participate in an approved workforce program. RWAV is the delegated authority in Victoria to administer the MDRAP on behalf of the Commonwealth Department of Health. This means RWAV acts on behalf of the Department of Health to issue the MDRAP.

What are the benefits of entering the MDRAP?

The major benefits of the MDRAP program include:

  • Access to items in the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) for medical practitioners (e.g. Group A7, A2 and some A11).
  • Provision of funding to support supervision and education for MDRAP doctors.
  • Tailored learning and supervision to ensure the safe delivery of high quality care.
  • Two years in stunning rural Victoria while working as a GP.

MDRAP Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, you can find the common questions and answers related to MDRAP. It is vital that you and your practice read the MDRAP guidelines as most questions will be addressed there. 

Want to know more about the MDRAP program? Get in touch with us now or phone 03 9349 7800 (Option 3 and then select option 2).

An MDRAP placement is for up to two years.

Doctors can seek extensions for a further two years for extenuating circumstances only, which will be assessed on a case-by-case basis with supporting evidence.

Once approved on the program MDRAP doctors are required to:

  • Make a minimum of one application to a fellowship program each year
  • Complete foundation general practice training modules provided by either the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners or the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine within six months of commencing on the MDRAP
  • Commence working in the practice within 3 months of approved placement

Please see the guidelines for an expanded list of your requirements.

Doctors on MDRAP will be able to access non-VR rates on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).

You may require supervision but this is dependent on the category under which you enter the MDRAP.

All doctors on MDRAP who require medical supervision to maintain their medical registration must continue to work within the conditions set out by AHPRA.

Assessment of your application will only commence once RWAV has received a completed application.

RWAV will notify you and your practice of the outcome of your application within 20 business days of RWAV receiving a completed application.

We ask applicants and practices to note:

  • Your application will not be assessed until all of the required documentation is received by RWAV.
  • All completed applications will be assessed in strict date order according to the date of submission.
  • Additional time should be allowed for Medicare provider numbers to be processed by Services Australia.

Access to a team of experts who specialise in:

  • Fellowship progression
  • Support with program compliance
  • Learning and development
  • Support to access RWAV funding opportunities
  • Allocated funding for both the doctors and practices to help the implementation of the program.
  • Tailored Learning and Development planning for all doctors on the program.

To be eligible for an MDRAP placement all doctors must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold current registration with the Medical Board of Australia. (Required)
  • Provide evidence of appropriate support in place to meet supervision requirements. (Required)
  • Undertake general practice professional development activities. (Required)
  • Take active steps to join a college pathway within the defined period.

To be eligible for an MDRAP placement the practice must be:


  • Classified as an Aboriginal Medical Service or be the subject of a Ministerial direction under s19 (2) or s19 (5) of the act;
  • Classified as an Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Service or be the subject of Ministerial direction under s19 (2) or s19(5) of the act.
  • Provide the support required to meet supervision obligations and confirm they understand that the doctor must progress to a college fellowship pathway within the specified timeframe.

If you are interested in joining the MDRAP, please fill out the form below to check your eligibility with the RWAV’s GP Programs team.

Which category from the list below would you like to apply for?(Required)

As a doctor, I …


My Practice Location is …


Please note:
  • The MDRAP practice must be able to provide the support required to meet supervision obligations and confirm they understand that the doctor must progress to a college fellowship pathway within the specified timeframe.
  • Doctors at locations that are not in a DPA and in an MMM 2-4 will not be eligible for the MDRAP, including requests for after-hours placements

RWAV Newsletter

Important Note:

  • The MDRAP practice must be able to provide the support required to meet supervision obligations and confirm they understand that the doctor must progress to a college fellowship pathway within the specified timeframe.
  • Doctors at locations that are not in a DPA and in an MMM 2-4 will not be eligible for the MDRAP, including requests for after-hours placements
To prevent delays in processing your application, we have listed some helpful hints below to avoid some common errors:

  • Read the guidelines carefully prior to submitting your application
  • Ensure your application is complete and there are no missing documents
  • Ensure all employment gaps on your CV are explained with detail
  • Ensure your signed position description and letter of employment are on practice letter head.

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