RWAV is currently seeking Expressions of Interest for membership of our MDRAP and RLRP Stakeholder Group.
The group provides advice to RWAV on how best to support non-specialist GPs on the More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP) and the Rural Locum Relief Program (RLRP).
RWAV is seeking expressions of interest from the following health professionals for membership of the group:
Doctors on the More Doctors for Rural Australia Program
Doctors on the Rural Locum Relief Program
Supervisors with experience supporting doctors on MDRAP or RLRP
Staff from general practices that currently support non-specialist GPs on either MDRAP or RLRP
Representatives from general practice education, training and practice management organisations
Membership is only open to health professionals and support staff working in primary health care in rural and regional Victoria, and will be will be reviewed annually. Payment for meeting attendance will be available, and reasonable out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed for face to face meetings.
The group will meet virtually at least twice a year. Some out of session review of documents may be required.
If you have any questions, or would like further information, please contact RWAV’s Health Workforce Development team on 03 9349 7800 (option 3) or email