Each year RWAV conducts the Regional Victoria GP Workforce Survey.
So we can better support health professionals and services in country Victoria, we’re asking for every GP in regional, rural and remote Victoria to assist us in putting together a snapshot of the health workforce.
Like previous years, this will require you to provide details relating to workforce participation and training. The results of the survey will do more than just provide a workforce snapshot. The results will also help RWAV to identify locations to direct resources, and ensure that you and your community have the support you need to access essential health services.
What the survey will ask of you
We’re asking every GP in rural and regional Victoria to take part in this survey, including MMM 2-7 areas and urban fringe areas. Your participation in this survey is vital to enable us to identify workforce issues, and health and service needs across regional and rural Victoria.
The survey will take approximately 10 – 15 minutes to complete. For every GP who completes this survey, RWAV will donate $1* to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal.
Please complete the survey by 5:00pm on Friday 15 January 2021.Complete the Regional Victoria GP Workforce Survey
How will the results be used?
As advocates for the rural health workforce, RWAV specialises in the recruitment and retention of health professionals in country Victoria. The information you provide will help in many ways, but primarily it helps us to direct resources to where they are needed most to enable ongoing access to health services.
The information will also assist us to identify the critical recruitment, retention, professional development and support needs of health professionals in your community.
The information will remain private and confidential at all times, and will only be used in accordance with RWAV’s Privacy Policy.
If you require assistance, or would like further information, please contact the Strategy and Health Workforce Planning Team via data@rwav.com.au.
*RWAV will donate up to a maximum of $1,000 to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal, supporting Victorian communities impacted by the bushfires with the on-going efforts to rebuild and recover.
Are you a practice manager based in a regional or rural (MM2-7) location? We are also looking for your input as part of the Regional Victoria Health Workforce Survey. You should have received an email from RWAV, if you have not please contact data@rwav.com.au.