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Victoria’s ‘Picture Perfect’ Communities

RWAV’s 2018 photography competition came to a close last month. Influenced by the theme “This is Our Community”, we received entries from all around Victoria taken by health practitioners, individuals working in general practice, and family members who live rurally. The following twelve images were selected by a panel of judges to be featured in RWAV’s 2019 desk calendar.

Winning Image: Silo Art in Sheep Hills, photo taken by Dr Shiju Mammen

Silo Art, photo taken by Dr Shiju Mammen

Winton Wetlands, photo taken by Rene Martens

Winton Wetlands, photo taken by Rene Martens

Teddy’s Lookout, photo taken by Nicholas Sourlos

Teddy's Lookout, Photo taken by Nicholas Sourlos

Beechworth, photo taken by Dr Shiju Mammen

Beechworth, photo taken by Dr Shiju Mammen.

Glenaire, photo taken by Eugene D’SouzaGlenaire, photo taken by Eugene D'Souza

Noojee, photo taken by Sandra Faragher

Trestle Bridge in Noojee

Dookie Fields, photo taken by Rene Martens

Dookie Fields, photo taken by Rene Martens

Torquay, photo taken by Cara Owens

Torquay, photo taken by Cara Owens

Family of Kookaburras in Inverleigh, photo taken by Andrea Bolton

Family of Kookaburras in Inverleigh, photo taken by Andrea Bolton

Inverleigh, photo taken by Gaby Bolton

Canola Fields, photo taken by Gaby Bolton

Goulburn River, photo taken by Sebastian Kirby

Goulburn, photo taken by Sebastian Kirby

Mt Buffalo, photo taken by Eugene D’Souza

Mt Buffalo, photo taken by Eugene D'Souza

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