(03) 9349 7800

What We Offer

Using MBS for Chronic Disease Management Workshop

This workshop will refresh participants’ knowledge of chronic disease management MBS items such as GP Management Plans, Team Care Arrangements and referrals for MBS-rebateable allied health. The workshop includes interactive patient case studies and question/answer sessions.




Content is covered 

  • Medicare rules for care planning and allied health
  • Patient eligibility for care plans
  • Enablers for GPMP and TCA uptake
  • Medicare compliance framework
  • Recent changes to the MBS relevant to chronic disease management

Learning objectives 

At the end of this course, the participant should be able to:

  1. Describe how the MBS can be appropriately used to support team based care for best practice chronic and complex disease management and co-morbid mental health conditions
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of effective collaboration between health professionals that meets MBS requirements
  3. Apply understanding of MBS through participation in a case study.

Designed for 

Health providers who work in primary health care.

Bairnsdale Workshop

Date: 27th June 2017
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Registrations: 5:30pm- 6 pm
Venue: Bairnsdale RSL
Lakes Room
2 Forge Creek Road, Bairnsdale.

Registrations close COB 20 June 2017

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