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Tickets are on sale now! RWAV Conference 

On 16th February 2023, the Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV) will host the first RWAV Conference titled, ‘Working together to enhance Victoria’s rural health workforce’ at the Rydges in Geelong.

The program has been carefully curated to provide a blend of perspectives on the most critical issues facing the rural health workforce. This will help us get a better snapshot of the healthcare industry in rural and regional Victoria today.

The event offers in-person discussions with industry thought leaders and networking opportunities. Get insight into rural healthcare’s key issues and policies. During the event, you will have a chance to engage with health professionals, leaders of health services, and policymakers to share knowledge and identify opportunities.

The presentations will cover topics such as addressing rural workforce shortages, supporting general practice, increasing the allied health workforce in rural Victoria, and discussing future opportunities.

Participants leave with a myriad of new ideas of how to help their organisations address existing issues, grow and transform into the future, and solve existing problems.

By registering now, you can take advantage of the early bird discount. There is a limited number of places available for this event. Act quickly to secure your spot today.

When: 16th February 2023 from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Where: The Rydges in Geelong, VIC

Register Now

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