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The joys of general practice

Dr Fady Henry speaks of the ‘joys of General Practice’ when talking about her career journey into being a GP in rural Victoria. She believes there is less stress compared to other specialities, more convenient hours and after hours/ Hospital VMO work and more time for family and kids. All good reasons to work in General Practice.

Fady particularly likes being a generalist. She has special interests in paediatrics, dermatology and skin cancer, and shared antenatal care.

“As a GP, I have the ability to look after and support the patients in many aspects.  I also enjoy looking after the whole family and I am very proud to be ‘the family doctor’.

Fady was referred to RWAV through colleagues and she’s happy about that. She has had a long and fruitful relationship with RWAV resulting in a satisfying career in general practice.

“RWAV supported me in securing my job in Echuca and continue to provide me ongoing support. I have had multiple visits by friendly RWAV staff during the last 5 years, asking about my needs and family needs, my progress, supporting my training and helping me in achieving my goals and passing the Fellowship exams. I never feel alone and they are always there when I need any assistance.

“RWAV service is excellent and I feel well looked after. To be honest, I feel that the RWAV staff are friends visiting from Melbourne, easy to talk to and well aware of my circumstances and training needs.

“I am really happy with RWAV support and I believe it’s a great organisation.

“Medicine is a loving and caring career, the more you give the more rewards you get. GPs have the pleasures of being able to listen to the patients, understand their needs and family needs and help them in promoting preventative and healthy life.

Fady’s future plan is to continue maintaining her skills in general practice and special interests, help support junior doctors interested in General practice and increase awareness of the vital role of GP in the health system.

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