(03) 9349 7800

What We Offer

Thank you for your contribution to improving the health outcomes of people living in regional Victoria and all Victorian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in 2021.

As the year comes to a close, I wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of all rural and regional Victorian health professionals. Thank you to the many outreach service providers and GP locums, who, despite the pandemic and lockdowns, have continued to deliver their services to many communities in country Victoria.

It has been an exceptionally busy year at RWAV. I invite you to take a look at our 2020-21 Annual Report. It will give you a snapshot of our achievements and our approach to supporting quality care in rural Victoria. As always, I encourage you to share your suggestions and ideas here on how we can work together to improve patient access to healthcare in rural and regional Victoria.

While many will be taking time off to rest, recharge and celebrate the season, many of you will be working throughout the festive season. We extend our appreciation to all the health professionals who will be working to provide health care at this time of year.

From the Board and the team at RWAV, we wish you and your families a happy, safe, and healthy festive season. We look forward to working with you to build connections and to make a difference for our rural communities in 2022!

Trevor Carr
CEO, Rural Workforce Agency Victoria

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