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Seeking mentors for medical students

Can you help to mentor the next generation of rural doctors?

The John Flynn Placement Program (JFPP) are seeking future mentors to pass on their skills and expertise to students undertaking rural placements as part of the program.

JFPP is an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Health and is designed to attract the future medical workforce into a remote and rural career through lifestyle and work experience in rural locations. Successful JFPP scholars spend eight weeks over three to four years in a remote or rural community with a one-to-one professional mentor, community host and contact. 

The last few months have been challenging for the Victorian health system due to COVID-19, however we know how important it is for students interested in rural health to have an immersive experience early in their education. That’s why we need the support of our community of rural Victorian doctors to ensure the current JFPP cohort don’t miss out on mentorship.

As a mentor, you will be assigned to a JFPP scholar and introduce them to rural/remote practice and local health facilities in your region.

Scholars are not expected to complete specified clinical experiences or assignments and there is no expectation that mentors will teach or supervise particular clinical skills.

The mentor role is to show the life and work of a rural medical practitioner and to facilitate clinical and rural experiences for the scholar. Mentors are paid an honorarium of $300 per week (plus GST).

Please note, with consideration of the on-going COVID-19 situation, intrastate only placements are now recommencing in Victoria.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor for a JFPP scholar you can apply online here, visit the JFPP website or email jfppvic@healthworkforce.com.au.

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Inspire career choices and support the next generation of rural GPs. Become a DR JuMP mentorHere!
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