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Regional Workshops Across the State

Image taken at the Rumbalara-Shepparton regional workshopOver the last few months RWAV has facilitated regional workshops with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) across the state, Outreach service providers and local PHNs. The purpose of delivering the regional workshops is to discuss how the current outreach services are progressing and to identify current challenges in their region.

It is also an opportunity to work collaboratively together to improve outreach services and share resources regionally.

In the Murray region, two regional workshops took place with the very first workshop held at Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together three neighboring ACCHOs: Bendigo and District Aboriginal Co-operative (BDAC), Njernda Aboriginal Corporation and Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative, and representatives from Murray PHN and local Outreach service providers. The meeting began with an overview of RWAV and its services, including discussions about the six RWAV Outreach programs.

In the afternoon there was an interactive workshop focusing on the current service delivery of outreach services in each ACCHO. This gave the ACCHOs and service providers the opportunity to discuss their current status and the challenges that are impacting them. Discussions were also held about the current service delivery gaps and improvements on the outreach services. The feedback from the regional meeting enabled RWAV, as the fund holder, to be more aware and able to assist.

The second regional workshop took place in Swan Hill, Mallee District Aboriginal Services (MDAS).

Overall both workshops received positive feedback. One attendee from the first Murray workshop mentioned that there was more clarity around outreach services and there was an increase of collaboration happening. The group decided that they wanted to continue with the collaborative workshops and RWAV would be responsible for coordinating and facilitating future regional Murray workshops on a quarterly basis. The regional workshop is an exciting first step into the future direction of outreach services in enabling and empowering the communities to be self-sufficient. Further workshops will be held in Western Victoria with the seven remaining ACCHOs in the New Year.

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