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2022 Grants Week For Practices Information Session Webinar Recording

Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV) is a not-for-profit government-funded organisation improving health care for rural, regional, and Aboriginal communities in Victoria.

We provide a range of activities and support to improve the recruitment and retention of health professionals to rural and regional Victoria, including grants.

Our grants are designed to help you achieve your career goals including relocation, professional development and postgraduate education, enabling you to support your rural community.

Grants are available for medical, nursing and allied health professionals, and practice managers and practice staff working in regional and rural Victoria and students looking to work in rural healthcare.

Find the webinar recording here. This recording covers the following items:

  • Rural Practice Training Grant
  • Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Grant
  • East Gippsland Trust Fund Grant
  • Practice Accreditation Grant (under development)
  • Cultural Safety Training
  • Creating a MyRWAV account
  • Applying for RWAV’s grants

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