The More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP) is a 3GA program which enables doctors who are non-vocationally registered to work in rural regions and access Medicare.
Doctors on the MDRAP are able to access the MDRAP Support Package. The package is intended to enhance the implementation of the MDRAP by providing funding to support education and supervision costs.
MDRAP doctors will be provided with tailored learning and supervision to meet their needs and that of their region. This will ensure the safe delivery and quality of care is of the highest standard.
Please see below FAQ to learn more about the MDRAP Support Package.
Most doctors on the MDRAP are eligible to claim Learning and Development funds.
The exception are doctors on the program in the locum category, who are not eligible to claim. Doctors in the locum category may be eligible to make claims via other RWAV administered grants.
You may be eligible to claim the following items under the MDRAP Support Package Learning and Development fund:
- Activities listed in your MDRAP Recommended Educational Activities as provided by RWAV.
- MDRAP foundation modules (RACGP or ACRRM).
- Cultural Safety Training.
- Communication and Consultation Skills Workshop.
- Formal tuition.
- Educational resources.
- Exam preparation courses for the PEPEA.
- English language tutoring and support.
- Reasonable travel and accommodation costs to attend a face to face course (in line with ATO).
If you are unsure whether an activity can be claimed, please contact the Learning and Development Coordinator at or by phone (03) 9349 7800.
Claims can be made as a reimbursement after you have completed/attended the course.
The relevant supporting documentation must be supplied with each claim. For example, a copy of the original receipt, certificate of attendance or proof of course completion.
To access the MDRAP Learning and Development Claim Form, please email Once completed, the form should be returned to
All doctors* on the MDRAP are required to complete either the RACGP or ACRRM compulsory Foundation Modules within six months of starting on the program.
RACGP has three modules, with a further two (free) modules available to members. ACRRM has five modules. You will need to complete either the RACGP or the ACRRM modules, but do not need to do both.
All modules must be claimed on the same claim form.
*exemptions may exist for those doctors who have already enrolled in one or more of the RACGP Fellowship exams (AKT, KFP, RCE)
Download the MDRAP Support Package Information Fact Sheet here.