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Mandatory Third Vaccine for Healthcare Workers

Deadline extended for third dose vaccination for key workers

The 12 February 2022 deadline for workers in key sectors to have received their COVID-19 third dose vaccination will be extended by four weeks.

By 12 March 2022, eligible healthcare workers will need to provide evidence of their COVID-19 third dose vaccination. Any of those workers who have not received a third dose by 12 February 2022, must provide evidence of a booking to receive their COVID-19 third dose before 12 March 2022, otherwise they cannot work.

Workers in the healthcare, aged care, disability, emergency services, correctional facility, quarantine accommodation and food distribution sectors, eligible to receive an additional COVID-19 vaccine by 12 January 2022, are now required to receive a COVID-19 third dose vaccine by 12 March 2022 following a four-week extension, provided they can demonstrate a booking.

Workers in key sectors who were not eligible to receive an additional COVID-19 vaccine by 12 January 2022 are required to receive their COVID-19 third dose vaccine by 29 March 2022.

By 12 March 2022, all healthcare workers eligible to receive their COVID-19 third dose vaccine must provide evidence of their COVID-19 third dose vaccination status, or a medical exemption by an authorised medical practitioner to be able to come to work.

Employers must also confirm the employee has received their third dose and keep a record of workers’ third dose vaccination status, in line with the Pandemic Order issued.

To find out more information, check the link below:


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