Over 1.4 million people live in rural and regional Victoria, and they deserve access to high-quality health services. To increase awareness of the challenges of health services in country Victoria Trevor Carr, RWAV CEO, and Lauren Cordwell, RWAV General Manager Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement, recently met with the Victorian Health Minister and other Victorian MPs.
In all, RWAV met with seven MPs to discuss new opportunities to attract and retain health professionals in country Victoria. MPs included Hon Jenny Mikakos MLC, Louise Staley MP, Georgie Crozier MLC, Steph Ryan MP, Emma Kealy MP, Danny O’Brien MP, and Tim McCurdy MP.
RWAV CEO Trevor Carr said it was heartening to see that everyone is committed to achieving better access to healthcare for country Victorians. “While all Victorians have the right to access high-quality healthcare close to home, not all can. Victorians living in country Victoria do not have the same access to healthcare services as residents in metropolitan areas.
“Everyone we spoke to understands what needs to be done to attract and retain a quality workforce for rural Victoria. It was an excellent opportunity to discuss how we can work together.”
RWAV also briefed the Victorian Minister of Health, Jenny Mikakos, on RWAV’s bushfire relief work. RWAV placed 31 health professionals for shifts in Bairnsdale, Beechworth, Corryong, Omeo, Tallangatta, Wodonga and Walwa.
Minister Mikakos was interested in how RWAV can provide medium to long-term support to bushfire affected areas to help with the recovery of our rural and regional communities.
RWAV is continuing discussions with Victorian Members of Parliament and welcomes the opportunity to collaborate further.