(03) 9349 7800

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John Flynn Placement Program (JFPP) placements postponed

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation and recent announcements made by the Australian Government, the JFPP team have decided that all current JFPP placements which are due to commence up to and including 30 June 2020, will need to be rescheduled. No further placements will be made during this time.

This decision was made in consideration of the health and well-being of our scholars, mentors, hosts and community contacts, and the local community.

The 2020 JFPP application process is not affected and will proceed as per the published application dates.

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact JFPP on 1800 231 231 or via jfpp@healthworkforce.com.au.

For Victoria based placements, you can also email jfppvic@healthworkforce.com.au for any questions you may have about re-scheduling and credits.

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