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John Flynn Placement Program Information Session

This recording took place on 3 April 2020, hosted by Lauren Day (RWAV Future Workforce Program Officer) and Rural Health Club NOMAD (Deakin University). Watch the recording to learn what the John Flynn Placement Program is about and hear firsthand stories from Deakin University students who have participated in the program.

The John Flynn Placement Program is designed to attract and expose the future medical workforce to a rural career. The program offers medical students the opportunity to complete eight weeks immersed in a rural health practice and community over a three to four-year period while completing their medical degree. Scholars are paid by the program and allocated a host and community contact who they will live with and who will show them around while they are learning about the life of a rural practitioner from their mentor.

Applications for the 2020 round are opening soon from 9:00am (AEST) Monday 27 April to 5:00pm (AEST) Wednesday 6 May. The application process is all online through the Self-Service Portal, which can be accessed on the JFPP website: https://www.jfpp.com.au/students.

RWAV administer placement logistics including sourcing mentors, hosts and community contacts in Victoria. If you have any questions about the program or application process contact jfpp@healthworkforce.com.au.

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