(03) 9349 7800

What We Offer

Cultural Safety Training

There are significant numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in rural and regional communities across Victoria. At RWAV, we want to ensure that health services accessed by these clients are culturally safe and sensitive to their needs.

RWAV has collaborated with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) to facilitate Cultural Safety Workshops for primary healthcare providers and support staff in rural Victoria. These sessions are available free of charge to eligible healthcare providers and students as outlined below.

Workshop information

The Introduction to Aboriginal Cultural Safety workshops are conducted online via Zoom. All sessions are delivered by experienced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander facilitators, and are limited to a maximum of 20 participants. Each workshop is run is two separate parts of 2 hours each, one morning session and one afternoon session, run on the same day. Both sessions must be completed in order for the attendee to receive a Certificate of Attendance. Certificates are emailed to eligible participants upon successful completion of the course.

For further details on the training sessions, please refer to the VACCHO website

Eligibility Criteria

  • Health professionals in one of the fields listed below, who provide services full or part-time in the private or non-state government primary health sector (e.g. general practice, private allied health practitioner or a non-government agency)
  • Health professionals must be working in Victoria
  • Health Professionals must work in an MMM3-7 location, or MMM1-7 if working in an Aboriginal Medical Service or ACCHO. You can check the MMM status of your work location via the Health Workforce Locator.
  • Students are eligible, provided they are studying a health discipline in one of the fields below, at a Victorian University or Victorian Tertiary Education Provider and must provide a valid student ID card that indicates Victorian University or Victorian Tertiary Education Provider
  • Any health professional employed solely by the Victorian Government is not eligible to apply
  • Support staff in primary healthcare may be eligible on a case by case basis at the discretion of RWAV.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner

Aboriginal Health Worker

Allied Health Assistant


Chinese Medicine Practitioner


Dental Assistant

Dental Hygienist

Dental Practitioner

Dental Prosthetist


Exercise Physiologist

General Medical Practitioner

Medical Radiation Practitioner



Nurse Practitioner


Occupational Therapist


Oral Health Practitioner


Orthotists & Prosthetists








Social Worker


Speech Pathologist


Eligible healthcare providers, support staff and students can apply.

Successful applicants will be required to sign and return a grant agreement with RWAV prior to attending the course.

Successful applicants who do not attend the course may be requested to reimburse RWAV for the cost of their course registration fee of $250. 

Announcing new dates for Cultural Safety Training

The new dates for the free Cultural Safety Training workshops in the coming months have been announced for regional/rural Victorian-based health professionals.

The workshops will take place online and will be facilitated by the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organization Inc.

Registration is currently open for the following sessions.

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