(03) 9349 7800

What We Offer

Our Partners

RWAV works closely with a range of partners to deliver our services and create innovative solutions to address workforce shortages in rural and regional Victoria.

RWAV acknowledges the funding provided by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments to deliver essential programs and services.

Other partners we work closely with include:

  • Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM)
  • Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
  • GP Education Providers, including AOGP and GPEx (ModMed)
  • GP training organisations:
    • Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS)
  • Latrobe Health Advocate
  • Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs)
  • Primary Health Networks (PHNs):
    • Gippsland PHN
    • Murray PHN
    • Western Victorian PHN
  • Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
  • Rural practices and health providers including general practices, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, nursing and allied health services.
  • Rural Workforce Agencies:
    • Health Workforce Queensland
    • HR+ (Tas)
    • Rural Doctors Network (NSW)
    • Rural Doctors Workforce Agency (SA)
    • Rural Health West (WA)
    • Rural Workforce Agency NT
  • Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH)
  • Universities and Rural Clinical Schools, including Deakin University, Latrobe University, Melbourne University, Monash University, and UNSW Albury Wodonga Campus Rural Clinical School
  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)
  • Victorian Rural Generalist Program (VRGP)

RWAV stakeholder engagement groups

RWAV Rural Allied Health Stakeholder Group

This group meets quarterly to leverage the insights and experiences of rural allied health stakeholders and to generate strategic planning and problem solving. Members include allied health practitioners working in organisations across rural Victoria. Members provide recommendations on how RWAV can support the delivery of allied health services in rural Victoria. 

Health Workforce Stakeholder Group (HWSG)

RWAV meets annually to consult with HWSG stakeholders  representing rural health services, training organisations and peak bodies to inform priorities for the Commonwealth Rural Health Workforce Support Activity (RHWSA) Program administered by RWAV. RWAV’s core recruitment, retention and workforce support activities are funded under the RHWSA. At these meetings, HWSG stakeholders meet together to learn about RWAV’s understanding of health workforce challenges and needs across country Victoria. HWSG members also engage in open discussions on workforce issues encountered and ways to collaboratively address issues. 

RWAV MDRAP and RLRP Stakeholder Group

This group advises RWAV on how best to support non-specialist GPs on the Rural Locum Relief Program (RLRP) and the More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP). Membership of the group includes doctors participating in MDRAP and RLRP, supervisors, practice principals and practice staff with experience supporting doctors on either program. The group meets every six months, or more frequently as need arises.

Victorian Advisory Forum (VAF)

This group comprises of a broad range of stakeholders with relevant knowledge and expertise on health delivery arrangements in regional, rural and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Victoria. The VAF evaluates Outreach proposals submitted to RWAV by reviewing and endorsing the proposals that meet both the Outreach team’s and Victorian rural health need and priorities.

Need more information?

Got any queries or want to know more? Get in touch with us now or phone 03 9349 7800 (Option 6).

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