From July 1 2018 – 30 April 2019, Outreach services providers, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) and health services were busy with an increase in the number of services provided and occasions of services delivered. RWAV funds 349 Outreach service providers, ACCOs and health services, who provided 2,960 outreach visits, delivering 42,494 occasions of service to rural, regional and Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander communities across Victoria.
From From July 1 2018 – 30 April 2019 RWAV funded the following:
Rural Health Outreach Fund
1,738 outreach visits across rural and regional Victoria through the RHOF program during 2018-19. Providing 35,107 occasions of service, of which 877 were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.

Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease Program
89 outreach services, 19 more than 2017-18, through the MOICDP. Outreach service providers delivered 864 outreach visits to Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation across Victoria. Providing 4,131 occasions of services.

Visiting Optomertrist Scheme
192 VOS outreach visits, delivering 1,972 occasions of service, of which 832 were delivered to Aboriginal and Strait Islander people.

Healthy Ears Better Hearing Better Listening
25 HEBHBL outreach services throughout the state. Outreach service providers delivered 166 HEBHBL outreach visits across Victoria, providing 1,284 occasions of services.