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Success Stories

RWAV Country Health Snapshot 2019

Each year RWAV conducts the GP Workforce and Skills Update and Medical Practice Update. The information gathered in these surveys is essential to the work that RWAV does and is …

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Stakeholder Engagements

RWAV Board of Directors Expression of Interest

The Nominations and Remuneration Committee of the Rural Workforce Agency, Victoria Limited  (RWAV) is seeking Expression of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified applicants to fill Director vacancies on the RWAV …

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Outreach Service Provider Contracts

Thank you to all of our Outreach service providers for their commitment to delivering services during this challenging time. If there are any changes to the delivery of visits it …

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Stakeholder Engagements

RWAV Health Workforce Stakeholder Working Group

RWAV will be conducting a state-wide virtual meeting at the beginning of September to engage with relevant health workforce groups across the Murray, Gippsland and Western Victoria regions. This meeting …

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Grant support for provisional psychologist

Q&A with Provisional Psychologist, Tammy Barber from Horsham When Tammy first started her internship as a provisional psychologist in 2019, there were limited grants available to help ease the financial …

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Success Stories

RWAV Chronic Pain Management Program

RWAV has been granted funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health to administer a Chronic Pain Management Program through the Rural Health Outreach Fund (RHOF) Program.  On consultation with numerous health …

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Eye Health Pathways Training Project Update

In conjunction with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), the Australian College of Optometry (ACO) and Murray, Gippsland and Western Victoria Primary Health Networks (PHNs), RWAV is reinstating …

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Success Stories

Supporting Bushfire Affected Communities

Bushfire affected communities in rural Victoria have been particularly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, due to significant travel restrictions occurring a mere few months after the devastating 2019-20 summer bushfires.  …

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