(03) 9349 7800

What We Offer


Cultural Safety Training – March

There are significant numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in rural and regional communities across Victoria. At RWAV, we want to ensure that …


Cultural Safety Training – April

There are significant numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in rural and regional communities across Victoria. At RWAV, we want to ensure that …


Cultural Safety Training – May

There are significant numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in rural and regional communities across Victoria. At RWAV, we want to ensure that …


Allied Health Primary Care Solutions Forum

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The RWAV Allied Health Primary Care Solutions Forum seeks to bring together rural allied health stakeholders, offering opportunity for open discussion and feedback regarding key …


Cultural Safety Training – June

There are significant numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in rural and regional communities across Victoria. At RWAV, we want to ensure that …


Cultural Safety Training – July

There are significant numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in rural and regional communities across Victoria. At RWAV, we want to ensure that …


The Victorian Rural Health Workforce Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The RWAV Planning and Reporting team presents the Victorian Rural Health Workforce Census Webinar. This webinar will explain the what, why and how of the Victorian Rural …


Cultural Safety Training – February

There are significant numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in rural and regional communities across Victoria. At RWAV, we want to ensure that …


RWAV Conference

Attend in-person at the Rydges in Geelong and spend a day listening to industry thought leaders and networking with colleagues, the first opportunity of its …

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