Meet Rachel, a dedicated nurse practitioner who turned her dreams into reality. Having completed her studies in the Northern Territory, the call to be closer to family brought Rachel and her partner back to Victoria.
Enter RWAV – the bridge to Rachel’s new chapter. After a chat about career opportunities, Sale Medical Centre welcomed the idea of supporting a nurse practitioner. In just a few months, the couple packed up their Northern Territory life, heading back to their roots.
The RWAV team was able to support Rachel every step of the way. “Moving back to Victoria, I fulfilled one reason I trained to be a nurse practitioner: to bring accessible primary healthcare to a rural community. Loch Sport’s warm welcome, laid-back lifestyle, and the beauty of bush walks and lakes made the move even more rewarding.” Rachel shares.
If you’re dreaming of a similar journey in Victoria, reach out to us today!
Discover the fee-free recruitment services offered by RWAV to assist you in finding your ideal job in rural and regional Victoria.