(03) 9349 7800

What We Offer

Collaboration, data, professional expertise. These are the foundations as RWAV proudly launches its official RWAV Clinical Governance Framework. Why do we need it?

The simple answer is: YOU.

It’s to ensure we always deliver the best service to our clients and stakeholders. For nearly 30 years, RWAV, the Rural Workforce Agency Victoria has delivered robust health service models that are tailored to the communities we serve.

We draw on best practices, data and collaboration to achieve our Vision of creating health equity for rural, regional and First Nations’ Victorians.

But the thing about best practices is that they must be documented to be consistently and transparently applied.

RWAV Clinical Governance Framework ensures there are policies, processes and procedures in place so we provide high-quality, consumer-focused and safe services to the organisations and health care providers with whom we engage in our everyday activities.

The main purpose of the Clinical Governance Framework is to guide RWAV’s commitment to facilitating client-centred, safe health services and meet our obligations to Commonwealth and State Government funded programs, all rural healthcare providers we support and, ultimately, the well-being of rural communities.

We invite you to read RWAV Clinical Governance Framework and provide us with your feedback here.

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