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Budja Budja Mobile Clinic

Now out and about! Very excited to see the new mobile clinic from Halls Gap’s Budja Budja Medical clinic. The van is called Tulku wan Wininn, which is from the local Djab Wurrung language and means “health to you”. It is great to see how different health care models are working across the state, taking vital services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities most in need! This is the third mobile clinic that RWAV’s outreach programs have supported in Victoria, including the LookOut Project with the Indigenous Diabetes Eye And Screening (IDEAS) Van delivering ophthalmology eye care services across the state and Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service’s GP mobile clinic that outreaches to Wangaratta and Benalla with a GP and Aboriginal Nurse. Congratulations to all involved. 

This initiative is funded under the Australian Government Department of Health Rural Health Outreach Fund.

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