RWAV and Murray PHN came together in Shepparton on November 20 to co-host a roundtable focused on the attraction and retention of early career Allied Health professionals in the region. A diverse range of stakeholders participated, including Goulburn Valley Health, Hume Health Service Partnership, La Trobe and Melbourne Universities, Primary Care Connect, SARRAH, and private practitioners. Roundtable participants discussed workforce models, policy reforms, recruitment and retention strategies and shared local examples of success. RWAV CEO, Lauren Cordwell noted that the day was “an invaluable partnership and an important exchange of ideas”. The group identified opportunities to generate new partnerships and pursue coordinated strategic recruitment and retention initiatives into the future.
RWAV and Murray PHN will continue to collaborate to build momentum from this discussion and plan to re-convene in the New Year.
Thank you to the following members who participated in the meeting.
- Jacque Phillips, Chief Operations Officer, Murray PHN
- Lauren Cordwell, Chief Executive Officer, RWAV
- Janice Radrekusa, Director of Operations, Murray PHN
- Sophie Bond, Manager – General Practice Engagement, Murray PHN
- Caroline Handley, Manager – Workforce Development, Murray PHN
- Catherine Mather, Manager – Complex and Integrated Care, Murray PHN
- Janis Bull, Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Coordinator, Murray PHN
- Kate Temby, General Manager, Strategy and Partnerships, RWAV
- Gabriela Gauthier, Allied Health Programs Coordinator, RWAV
- Dr Lee Barclay, Strategy and Policy Advisor, RWAV
- Sally Belcher, Health Independence Program Manager, Goulburn Valley Health
- Brenton Kiel, Physiotherapist, Goulburn Valley Physiotherapy Centre
- Jane Stephens, Manager HHSP Programs, Hume Health Service Partnership
- Jo Kinder, La Trobe University Northern Victorian Education Partnership Project, LaTrobe University
- Leigh Stanbrook, Executive Manager Health Services, Primary Care Connect
- Scott Gibbings, Physiotherapist and Director, SARRAH
- Ryan McGrath, Rural Health Academic Network Coordinator and Educator, The University of Melbourne