(03) 9349 7800

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Opportunities to join the Victorian COVID-19 vaccination workforce

A number of workforces and student groups have been authorised by the Department of Health to work in the COVID-19 Vaccination program, including: 

  • Medical practitioners
  • Registered nurses, midwives and enrolled nurses 
  • Paramedics
  • Aboriginal Health Practitioners
  • Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and intern pharmacists
  • Dental and oral health workforces, including dentists, oral health therapists, dental therapists, dental assistants (Cert III minimum)
  • Allied health professionals including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, podiatrists, optometrists, medical radiation practitioners, orthoptists, prosthetist/orthotists, dietitians, speech pathologists
  • Pathology collectors
  • Medial laboratory scientists, researchers or scientists with biomedical laboratory experience, and medical laboratory technicians
  • Students of nursing, medicine, paramedicine, pharmacy, allied health, dentistry, and medical laboratory science

The Department of Health has a crucial need for new vaccinators in some rural/regional areas of Victoria. All health professionals are encouraged to review their eligibility to become involved in this important work and support Victoria to increase vaccination rates at this challenging time. 

Free training and extensive supervision and onboarding is provided. 

To access the mandatory training and explore how you can join the vaccination workforce, visit: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/covid-19-vaccine-program-workforce 

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