Sponsorship Prospectus
We are thrilled to invite your organisation to participate in the RWAV Conference 2025 in Bendigo, Victoria!
This is an incredible opportunity to join over 250 health professionals, health service leaders, and policymakers in a collaborative
environment. Together, we will explore and address the key challenges impacting rural communities and develop
innovative solutions tailored to local areas.
This event is designed to facilitate knowledge sharing, foster lively discussions, and promote the exchange of ideas.
It’s also a chance to expand your professional network and forge valuable connections. We look forward to your participation in this enriching experience!
The conference theme Dreaming Big and Driving Change in Rural Healthcare,
will address opportunities and solutions through the following sub-themes::
- Policy Perspectives and Opportunities
- Embracing Data and Technology
- Working Together, Designing and Innovating for Workforce Sustainability
Sponsorship Benefits
Showcase the outstanding work fostered by your organisation and grow your reach across rural healthcare. Building on the success of the first two RWAV conferences, we have included workshops, more networking opportunities and greater networking space for sponsors and an exhibition space for trade tables plus additional sponsor opportunities.

Our sponsor partners will benefit from a comprehensive and effective marketing campaign, to include:
In print and online channels inclusions such as websites, social media and on-site branding in the conference app and onscreen
A large audience within the healthcare sector
• Health Professionals
• Advocates
• Policy Makers
• Peak Bodies
Face-to-face networking to expand relationships with health professionals, colleagues, government, business and the NFP sectors
Inclusions to raise your company profile amongst a valuable target audience
Be recognised through including acknowledgement and demonstration of your support for improving health outcomes for rural and remote Victoria including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Learn the latest rural and remote health workforce and service development initiatives
Sponsorship Packages
Premium Package
Networking Dinner &
Trade Table Sponsorship
15,000 + GST
(only 1 opportunity)
Network Cocktail Sponsorship
Exclusive branding of the Networking drinks for 100+ attendees & speaking opportunity
8,000 + GST
(only 1 opportunity)
Health & Wellbeing Sponsorship
Exclusive branding of the health & wellbeing space
6,000 + GST
(1 opportunity)
Trade Table Sponsorship
Trade table & 2 complimentary conference registrations
5,000 + GST
(14 opportunities)
Student Sponsorship
Complimentary registration and
2 University student registrations
4,000 + GST
(8 opportunities)
Premium Package
Sponsorship of Conference Dinner – The Conservatory & Atrium
20 February 2025, 6:30-10:30pm (capacity 150)
Exclusive branding of the Networking Dinner Celebration for 150 people
This dinner is the premier event of the conference celebrating rural and regional healthcare, and acknowledges the 2024 Victorian Rural Health Award winners.
- 4 complimentary Networking Dinner Registrations with premium seating (valued at $655)
- Upto 4 Pull-up banners at the dinner, provided by the sponsor
- Sponsor logo on the menu
- Verbal acknowledgement as the sole sponsor during the Networking Dinner
- 5 minutes to welcome and speak at the dinner
- 1 promotional gift for dinner guests, provided by the sponsor (to be approved by RWAV) - optional
- 1 pre and 1 post-conference social media acknowledgement opportunities
Trade Table Sponsorship inclusion:
- 1 trestle table (size: 240 x 76cm) and 2 chairs plus white table cloth
- 4 complimentary conference registrations (valued at $3,600)
- Access to AC power
- Verbal acknowledgement as a sponsor during the conference
- Logo and acknowledgement of sponsor on event slides during meal breaks
- Logo and hyperlink on the conference website and app
- App – sponsor page listing to include 3 links – sponsor choice any combination of contact details, website link or pdf flyer – (max 1 mb) file supplied by sponsor
- 100-word company profile on the conference website and app
- 1 pre and 1 post-conference social media acknowledgement opportunities
- Satchel insert 2 flyers or gift - optional
Network Cocktail Sponsorship
- 2 complimentary conference registrations (valued at $1,800)
- Up to 4 Pull-up banners at the event, provided by the sponsor
- Verbal acknowledgement as the sole sponsor during the Networking Cocktail Event
- 5 minutes opportunity to speak at the Event
- 1 pre and 1 post-conference social media acknowledgement opportunities
- Verbal acknowledgement as a sponsor during the conference
- Logo and acknowledgement of sponsor on event slides during meal breaks
- Logo and hyperlink on the conference website and app
- 100-word company profile on the conference website and app
- App – sponsor page listing to include 3 links – sponsor choice any combination of contact details, website link or pdf flyer – max 1 mb file supplied by sponsor
- 1 pre and 1 post-conference social media acknowledgement opportunities
- Satchel insert 2 flyers or gift - optional
Health & Wellbeing Sponsorship
- 2 complimentary conference registrations (valued at $1,800)
- Logo and acknowledgement of sponsor on event slides during meal breaks
- Logo and hyperlink on the conference website and app
- 50-word company profile on the conference website and app
- App – sponsor page listing to include 3 links – sponsor choice any combination of contact details, website link or pdf flyer – max 1 mb file supplied by sponsor
- 1 pre and 1 post-conference social media acknowledgement opportunities
- Up to 2 pullup banners
- Branded wellness merchandise, provided by sponsor (ie/ hand sanitiser, muesli bars, ear plugs, eye masks etc)
Trade Table Sponsor Package
- 2 complimentary conference registrations (valued at $1,800)
- 1 trestle table (size: 240 x 76cm) and 2 chairs plus white table cloth
- Access to AC power
- Verbal acknowledgement as a sponsor during the conference
- Logo and acknowledgement of sponsor on event slides during meal breaks
- Logo and hyperlink on the conference website
- 50-word company profile on the conference website
- App – sponsor page listing to include 3 links – sponsor choice any combination of contact details, website link or pdf flyer – (max 1 mb) file supplied by sponsor
- 1 pre and 1 post-conference social media acknowledgement opportunities
- 1 flyer Satchel insert - optional
- Up to 2 pull-up banners per table, provided by sponsor
Student Sponsorship Package
- 1 complimentary full registration (valued at $900 full price)
- 2 university student registrations (valued at $328) - students nominated by sponsor or RWAV
- Logo and acknowledgement of sponsor on event slides during the meal breaks
- Logo and hyperlink on the conference website and app
- 50-word company profile on the conference website and app
- App – sponsor page listing to include 3 links – sponsor choice any combination of contact details, website link or pdf flyer – (max 1 mb) file supplied by sponsor
- 1 pre and 1 post-conference social media acknowledgement opportunities
RWAV Conference 2025 Exhibitor Information
Bump-in 3:00 – 5:00pm on 19 Feb 2025
Bump-out 12:30 – 3:00pm on 21 Feb 2025
Internet – will be available onsite for delegates and exhibitors.
Satchel Inserts – must be delivered to the RWAV Melbourne office by 30 January 2025 to be included in the conference satchels. A delivery label will be provided.
*Satchel size – 245 x 200 x 120mm
RWAV Sponsorship Selection Policy (Guidelines & Restrictions)
The Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV) acknowledges the valuable contributions of sponsor organisations in fostering healthcare and community development. In line with our commitment to our funders, we have formulated these Sponsorship Guidelines and Restrictions for conference events. The aim is to ensure transparent, accountable, and effective sponsorship practices that align with the values and objectives of RWAV.
To be considered as a sponsor, the conference event sponsor must align with the priorities and objectives of RWAV.
- Registered Status: The organisation must be legally registered as a healthcare or support service delivery entity within Australia.
- Alignment with RWAV Objectives and Values: The conference event sponsor must align with the priorities and objectives of RWAV.
- Conference Event Relevance: The conference event sponsor should demonstrate its significance, relevance, and potential positive impact on the target audience and the broader community.
- Ethical Conduct: The sponsor organisation must have a strong track record of ethical conduct and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Event sponsorship for RWAV conference events must not be used to support activities that conflict with the values and principles of RWAV. Therefore, the following restrictions apply:
a. Political Affiliation: Sponsor must not promote or endorse any political party, candidate, or partisan activity.
b. Religious Activities: The conference event sponsor should not promote or advocate for any particular religious beliefs or practices.
c. Discriminatory Practices: Sponsor organisations that discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics will not be eligible for sponsorship.
d. Controversial Content: The conference event sponsor should not include content that is offensive, discriminatory, or likely to cause harm to any individual or group.
e. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Gambling: The conference event sponsor should not promote or support tobacco, alcohol, or gambling products or industries.
f. Non-Compliance: Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in disqualification from future RWAV sponsorship opportunities.
g. Right of Refusal: RWAV reserves the right to decline a request for sponsorship if the sponsor does not meet the Eligibility Criteria, or falls under the Sponsorship Restrictions.
To be considered as an RWAV conference or event sponsor, the sponsor must follow a transparent and standardised application process. The steps are as follows:
a. Review and Evaluation: RWAV will evaluate all proposals based on the eligibility criteria and alignment with RWAV’s objectives.
b. Sponsorship Agreement: If selected, the sponsor organisation will enter into a formal sponsorship agreement with RWAV.
a. Public Acknowledgment: The sponsor organisation will be recognised as an official partner to the extent as outlined in the sponsorship package.
b. Media Exposure: The sponsor organisation may receive exposure through press releases and media coverage related to the conference event.
c. Networking Opportunities: The organisation will have the chance to connect with other stakeholders, including event attendees.
These Sponsorship Guidelines and Restrictions aim to establish a transparent and accountable framework for RWAV’s conferences and events. By adhering to these guidelines, we strive to promote collaboration, foster community development, and enhance healthcare initiatives in rural and regional Victoria. RWAV looks forward to partnering with sponsor organisations to create positive and impactful conference events for the betterment of rural and regional healthcare in Victoria.
Terms and Conditions
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
• Members of the Organising Committee and RWAV are collectively referred to as The Organisers.
• The Organisation listed on the sponsorship and exhibition application will be referred to as your Organisation or collectively as sponsors and exhibitors.
• By returning the Sponsorship Application Booking Form, you are accepting these terms and conditions.
Acceptance of Applications
• RWAV will issue a Tax Invoice once the Sponsorship Application Booking Form has been accepted.
• RWAV reserves the right to decline any Sponsorship Application Booking Form.
• All costs are exclusive of GST and listed in Australian Dollars.
• Payment is required within 30 days of issuing a Tax Invoice to
confirm your application.
• Sponsorship and exhibition entitlements, including the allocation of exhibition space, do not commence until payment has been received.
• Once sponsorship has been paid, RWAV will include the sponsor in the agreed upon media and communications.
Cancellation of Sponsorship Bookings
• Once a sponsorship application has been accepted and If you are no longer able to attend the conference, please contact RWAV to discuss your participation.
• Cancellation within 30 days of the event will incur a 100% cancellation fee.
Cancellation or Postponement of the Conference
• If the conference is cancelled or postponed due to an event that renders proceedings with the meeting inadvisable, illegal, impracticable or impossible, RWAV will refund any registration fees or credit them towards a rescheduled conference. RWAV does not accept any liability for any other losses incurred as a result of the postponed or cancelled conference.
• An unforeseen event could include, but is not limited to, an infectious disease outbreak; industrial disruptions; service provider failures; governmental restrictions or regulations; war or apparent act of war; terrorism or apparent act of terrorism; disaster; civil disorder, disturbance, and/or riots; curtailment, suspension or restriction on transportation; or any other emergency.
Disclaimer and Changes
• Every effort has been made to present all the information accurately. However, no liability is accepted for any inaccuracy, and RWAV reserves the right to change any published information.
• RWAV reserves the right to update Sponsorship packages and
trade table floor plan.
Exhibition Floor Plan
• The exhibition floor plan is subject to change without notice. The floor plan is not to an exact scale but accurately represents the position and sizes of exhibition spaces.
• When booking, please appoint a single point of contact within your Organisation. All sponsorship bookings will be recorded under one name, and all correspondence will be sent to this person.
Allocation of Exhibition Spaces
• Conference Organisers will allocate exhibition spaces after consideration of each organisation’s sponsorship, the date of application, preferences, proximity to competitors and any other matters deemed relevant.
• All sponsors and exhibitors must have adequate insurance for the period of the conference, including public and product liability cover and professional indemnity insurance. We will request a certificate of currency.
• Your Organisation shall indemnify and hold RWAV harmless for any loss, damage to property or injury to persons suffered as a result of your participation in the conference, except where RWAV are found to be negligent.
Supply of Goods and Services
• The supply of any goods, services, samples or advice is entirely at your Organisation’s own risk.
• Late and missing deliveries are the main concerns for sponsors and exhibitors during the conference.
• Please ensure the correct delivery address is recorded on the delivery docket. c/o Inma Obregon, RWAV Conference, All Seasons Bendigo, 171-183 McIvor Hwy, Bendigo VIC 3550
• When you arrive on-site, have the courier name, the consignment numbers and the delivery date available.
• No valuable items should be left unattended at your exhibition table/space at any time especially not overnight. No responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage to equipment and display materials.
• Anyone from your Organisation attending the conference or guests you wish to invite to the conference must register with RWAV before the conference. An official name badge will be required to access the meeting and exhibition area.
Trade Tables
• All exhibitors will be provided with a trestle table (size: 240 x 76cm), table cloth and two chairs. Your stand must fit within the allotted space and be pre-approved by RWAV. Items at your stand must not exceed 3.0 metres high. If you have any questions, please email us a floor plan and elevations of your proposed stand.
Delegate List
• Due to adherence to privacy standards, the delegate list will not be supplied at the conference.
• RWAV complies with The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act), ensuring the protection and proper handling of personal information. This encompasses the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of personal information within both the federal public sector and the private sector. Accordingly, RWAV will NOT provide delegate lists at the conference in adherence to these privacy standards.
Interactive Exhibitions
• Whilst we encourage you to develop entertaining and interactive displays to attract delegates, please be mindful not to disturb other exhibitors or delegates as trade tables are close together.
• There is limited storage space on site for exhibition equipment or packaging. Limited to 1 sq mtr/exhibitor.
Signage at the Venue
• The venue doesn’t allow any signage to be fixed to walls or other surfaces. Your signage should be free standing to allow for easy placement and should be contained within your exhibition space.
Dismantling Displays
• Due to safety requirements, you will not be able to dismantle your display before the published closing time.
Damage to the Venue
• Your Organisation shall indemnify RWAV from all liability for damage to the venue deemed to have been caused by your staff, contractors, agents or guests. The cost of repairs will be the sole responsibility of your Organisation.
How to Apply
We invite you to support the conference as early as possible to take advantage of the best sponsorship option and trade show location. As a valued sponsor of the RWAV 2024 Conference, we look forward to you joining our allied health industry delegates.