Yes, the holiday is over and rural healthcare GRANTS from RWAV, the Rural Workforce Agency Victoria, are officially re-opened for 2022-23.
There are virtually millions of dollars available in rural healthcare grants under RWAV administration to help you achieve your career goals including relocation, professional development and postgraduate education.
You can already access fourteen rural health grants here, with more coming online shortly:
1 Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Grant
2 General Practice Quality Accreditation Grant
3 Prospective GP locum grant
4 Rural Practice Training Grant
5 VACCHO Cadetship Grant / VACCHO Mentoring
6 University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) Grant
7 Student Ambassador Grant
8 Medical Professional Development (MPD) Program
9 Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP)
10 Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP) for Locum
11 Rural Immersion Student Placement Grant
12 RWAV Clinical Psychology Placement Grant
13 Rural Clinical Placement Grant
14 Workforce Incentive Program
Rural Healthcare #grants are available for medical, nursing, allied health professionals and practice managers working in regional Victorian healthcare and students looking to experience the benefits of working in country Victoria
Find out how you can attract and retain your workforce, build professional skills, or relocate to a beautiful regional town.
Find out what’s out there for You: